Monday, April 12, 2010

Same Sex Union

In Christianity, we deem homosexuality as evil and immoral; the opposite of pious even. Most Christians feel that two partners who are in love, must be between opposite genders. If two people of the same sex grow to become in love with each other, it is viewed upon as wrong or unacceptable. We are taught that marriage is meant for the procreation of life and to create families. Marriage is also about love, for without love we could not start families and want to bring new life, more humans into this world.
Though marriage is for the procreation of life and to live with your loved one until death, I, Jesus, argue that two people of the same sex can feel the same emotions if not stronger than people who are opposite genders in a relationship and in love.
I believe that two people of the same sex should be allowed to get married, even if the purpose is not to procreate. There are many children out there who are without families and want to be adopted into a loving family. Same sex partners should be allowed to be in union in America. The churches might not recognize it, but if we can make the states and government recognize same sex union, it is a start.
We need to be more accepting of people, and not be ignorant of other's feelings. This is the 21st century and we are still trying to live in the past. We are supposed to be growing more advanced in society, not trying to conserve the old ways. What do you feel?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jesus,

    I used to think that it was wrong and disgusting, etc. However in high school I had a friend who came out and the whole senior class was split on being his friend. I respected his decision for being true to himself and not trying to be what he was "expected" to be. He was still the same person as before. A lot of peple gave him issues and started saying derogatory comments, but he was still the better person in the end.
    Today, I feel that they should be allowed to participate in a civil union, so this way same sex partners can somewhat enjoy a life together legitimately. This is still a hot topic and probably will take time to grow everyone's support on, but we need to move with the times. For those who are agsinst it, what if your children are homosexuals and in love? Do you love them any less? Do you deny them the same priviledges as anyone else is entitled to?
    From a christian point of view, we are to love everyone, no matter what. We are to help those in need, and act in a way that would show the utmost compassion. Well, Jesus, this is a start.

  3. I am okay with the idea of letting homosexual people getting a civil union. Its all based on peoples opinions on something that in no way effects them. If two men or two women were 'married' or together through a civil union, how does that effect anyone else's life. I feel like people are too sensitive to the subject and it shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is.
