Sunday, April 18, 2010

Catholic Sexual Abuse

This is an article from today's CNN website. Please read:

Pope expresses 'shame and sorrow' to abuse victims

It seems that this is never going to end. It is very sad to hear and read this knowing that these are my fellow brothers doing this. My brothers are brought up to love the church and show everyone the compassion that I have for them. After reading this, it just made me feel that what I'm doing is not necessarily getting across to everyone in the world. There is a reason why these men are appointed to these positions because of their caring and trust. You know that there is a problem when the Pope is also in tears. As the CNN articles states, "One of the victims, Joseph Margo, said the meeting was 'very emotional' -- and left even the pope 'with tears in his eyes.'"

I don't agree with anything and it is not my work of any kind. Please let me know what you guys have to say about this.


  1. I think that the Catholic religion is always viewed as a laughing matter here in America. Everyone makes fun of catholic affairs that get negative attention, and many even joke that priests are pedophiles, and see it as a true thing. These are stereotypes that people actually think are true! I am sure that other religions such as Judaism and Islam have scandals in their places of worship and by their religious officials, but it doesn't get half the media attention. I do think there needs to be something done to deter people who have these psychological issues from becoming a priest/working in the church. Maybe in a few years, things will change and females will be allowed to give sermons, or priests will be allowed to marry. But for now, we need more support from other followers and from within the church.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with John's point of view on this matter. Something clearly has to be done to put it a stop to this, whether it is the idea of allowing women to have a priest role in the church or allowing marriage for priests. I always thought that it was not fair or right to the priests to not be allowed to marry. They chose to commit their lives to God but had the chance to build a family of their own taken from them. This is not right.
