Sunday, April 18, 2010

Charity of the month: Feed the children – It’s who we are. It’s what we do

What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. -Matthew 18:12-14 ESV

So recently I came across this charity called “Feed the Children” which is a Christian international nonprofit relief organization that has been around since 1979. They help out getting food, clothing, medicine, and necessities to children and families who aren’t as lucky or stricken by famine, war, poverty or natural disasters. They receive supplies and money from big corporations as well as churches and individuals to help assist in over 119 countries. I think this is a great charity with many programs and that anyone can contribute even if its just a little bit, from donating an old vehicle to sponsoring a child or even go on a mission to go help rebuild communities or provide services. You can even start your own special project fundraiser! So please…go out and help make a difference in the lives of the young innocent and helpless victims of hunger and poverty that is….the children.

Catholic Sexual Abuse

This is an article from today's CNN website. Please read:

Pope expresses 'shame and sorrow' to abuse victims

It seems that this is never going to end. It is very sad to hear and read this knowing that these are my fellow brothers doing this. My brothers are brought up to love the church and show everyone the compassion that I have for them. After reading this, it just made me feel that what I'm doing is not necessarily getting across to everyone in the world. There is a reason why these men are appointed to these positions because of their caring and trust. You know that there is a problem when the Pope is also in tears. As the CNN articles states, "One of the victims, Joseph Margo, said the meeting was 'very emotional' -- and left even the pope 'with tears in his eyes.'"

I don't agree with anything and it is not my work of any kind. Please let me know what you guys have to say about this.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Universal Health-care

Yes! Finally, everyone is going to be able to have health insurance because this country is going to be able to provide for it. Nobody will have to worry about not having to pay medical bills or worry about going to the doctor. We all need to share many of our possessions because after everything, we're all brother and sisters. There's no need to try and see who has this or that but just trying to make sure everyone is doing just alright. The passing of this health care reform is big giant step for this nation that is going to hopefully lead to much more better things.

So what do you think about the Health-care Reform?
Any questions, comments or slide remarks?


Monday, April 12, 2010

Same Sex Union

In Christianity, we deem homosexuality as evil and immoral; the opposite of pious even. Most Christians feel that two partners who are in love, must be between opposite genders. If two people of the same sex grow to become in love with each other, it is viewed upon as wrong or unacceptable. We are taught that marriage is meant for the procreation of life and to create families. Marriage is also about love, for without love we could not start families and want to bring new life, more humans into this world.
Though marriage is for the procreation of life and to live with your loved one until death, I, Jesus, argue that two people of the same sex can feel the same emotions if not stronger than people who are opposite genders in a relationship and in love.
I believe that two people of the same sex should be allowed to get married, even if the purpose is not to procreate. There are many children out there who are without families and want to be adopted into a loving family. Same sex partners should be allowed to be in union in America. The churches might not recognize it, but if we can make the states and government recognize same sex union, it is a start.
We need to be more accepting of people, and not be ignorant of other's feelings. This is the 21st century and we are still trying to live in the past. We are supposed to be growing more advanced in society, not trying to conserve the old ways. What do you feel?